Sunday, 10 October 2021

VOD: There's Someone Inside Your House (dir: Patrick Brice, 2021)

"Now I wanna die!"

This film is as generic as its title.  Based upon a YA novel and with some heavyweight horror producers behind it, no cliché is left unturned in this by-the-numbers Netflix slasher, in which a bunch of suspiciously-old-looking teenagers are picked off one-by-one by a killer who reveals their 'secrets' and wears a mask to look like each victim as they are killed.  Enlivened by some surprisingly bloody and mean-spirited kills, the character scenes in between are something of a slow and turgid trudge, and the film does little beyond what is set up in the slickly efficient opening scene.  The themes are simplistic, and the red herring and identity of the killer are hard to miss, making There's Someone Inside Your House a slick if rather unsurprising commercial young-teen horror movie.

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