Wednesday 14 August 2013

FILM: Kick Ass 2 (dir: Jeff Ludlow, 2013)

"Weren't you, like, Big Daddy's Robin?"

Kick Ass 2 is a reasonably straightforward comic adaptation/sequel that tones down some of the comic's more out-there violence but is entertaining.  Whilst obviously lacking the freshness of the first film, the narrative overall feels less whole and organic this time with a reliance more on fan-pleasing moments (not that there is anything wrong with that in itself.  The characters are generally served well and the three leads do a great job - in particular, Chloe Grace Moretz proves to be an extremely capable actress and Aaron Taylor-Johnson gets to show a bit more of a range this time (even though looking alarmingly older in the Dave persona).  The film is fun and there are many enjoyable lines and moments to savour and enjoy, it is well shot/directed and overall entertains solidly.

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