Saturday 17 August 2013

DVD: The Returned aka Les Revenants (dir: Robin Camillo, 2004)

"Do you know what they're thinking?  I do."

At last, UK viewers get to see the film that inspired the recent fantastic French TV series, and indeed it can be viewed as a very embryonic version of the idea that was fleshed out in the TV version.  There are some very general pre-echoes of characters and set-ups which became much more developed, but this original film is inevitably more self-contained and features more Contagion-like pandemic procedural scenes that posit the event of the dead returning on a much larger scale.  Strong, controlled performances abound, especially by Geraldine Pailhas (a proto-Adele character) and Jonathan Zaccai (her 'returned' partner) as the central couple.  The languid style and use of mood music is familiar, and there are some inspired visual moments, but the relentlessly cold scenarios and performances lack the interconnectedness and underlying menace that made the TV series so compelling. 

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