Saturday 13 November 2010

FILM: Skyline (dirs: Colin and Greg Strause, 2010)

REVIEW No. 100!

"Is it getting worse?"

It is two out of two for the Strause Brothers following Alien vs Predator: Requiem: terrific trailer, hugely disappointing movie. Skyline is a digital update of War Of the Worlds, with inevitable nods to Independence Day, the Alien franchise, Starship Troopers and Cloverfield. The fundamental problem with the film is the peculiarly dislikable characters who are forced to spout relentlessly appalling dialogue, with which even a capable actor such as top-billed Eric Balfour clearly struggles. There is a lot of genuine D-grade-soap acting in evidence, suggesting that the Strauses are much better at their day job, marshaling special effects rather than actors. A couple of scenes create genuine tension - the first rooftop sequence works particularly well, for example - but curious or uncontrolled shot choices often undermine the intention. For its budget, the effects are good and give the film strong visual appeal. The film does reach a suitably operatic and nihilistic end-point, but this is then followed by a staggering final sequence that is utterly, spectacularly and jaw-droppingly misguided and tops everything else the film has presented to that point. The Strauses are going to get a critical kicking for this film, but it is novice screenwriters Cordes and O'Donnell who are responsible for Skyline's biggest failings.

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