Sunday 7 November 2010

FILM: Due Date (dir: Todd Phillips, 2010)

"Life's weird, isn't it?"

Todd Phillips follows up the smash film The Hangover with this rather tepid and unsure mish-mash of comedy and drama. There are some good lines and entertaining visual gags, but there are also some rather mean-spirited and uncomfortable moments and shifts which emphasise the uncertain nature of the script. Downey Jr gives an expected excellent performance as always but his character is desperately unsympathetic, and Galifiankis - as his mis-matched road-trip companion - alternates awkwardly between being irritating and simply unlikable. Overall, Due Date is reasonably entertaining, but it never really takes off.

1 comment:

Todd Phillips's Due Date said...

I think the film delivers the goods. True he is not at greatest comedies level, but he's funny, the plot flows. I think he's worth seeing.