Sunday 10 March 2013

FILM: Robot & Frank (dir: Jake Schreier, 2013)

"You two are really funny."

Robot & Frank is a delight.  Essentially a two-hander for the most part, it is easy to suspend disbelief for this near-future tale of a mis-matched buddy story that is by turns wry, daft, thought-provoking and heartbreaking.  The basic concept of highlighting issues such as old age,
memory, identity, parent-child relationships and the ever-encroaching loss of the pre-digital era through the juxtaposition of a toweringly human and genuine performance by Frank Langella and his newly-acquired 'helper' robot, who becomes not only his accomplice but also a surrogate child, is genuinely engaging.  James Marsden and Liv Tyler are fine as Frank's rather diametrically-opposite children (utilitarian and anti-robot respectively), as is Susan Sarandon in an intriguing role of the local librarian.  This is a confident, fresh and hugely appealing film, with an utterly wonderful performance by Langella at its heart.

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