Sunday 24 March 2013

DVD: Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 2 (dir: Bill Condon, 2012)

"Look, nothing ever made sense before - you, me, any of it.  And now I understand why."

It has been what feels like a very long cinematic road (and viewing experience) to reach what is, in fairness, a reasonable conclusion to this bizarrely successful franchise.  The first part of this concluding part is more of the same dull-soap drivel that has beset so much of the series; the mid-section is messy as it brings together the Cullen family's allies; but the finale's created-for-the-movie smackdown is lively and well-mounted on one of the fakest green-screen snowbound arenas imaginable, although the rug-pull inflicted on the viewer could be seen as either audacious or simply unforgivable.  It remains cynically profiteering that a franchise that has made so much money still fails to deliver on decent special effects, but then its fans do not buy into it for that reason.  Surprisingly, the strongest aspect of Part 2 is Kristen Stewart's performance - now a fully-fledged vampire, she actually gets to show some variety instead of just sullenly mooching around. The Twilight movie series may be embraced lovingly by its fans, but in cinematic terms it will be quickly forgotten.

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