Sunday 24 March 2013

FILM: Jack The Giant Slayer 3D (dir: Bryan Singer, 2013)

REVIEW No. 350!

"Fear of heights?"
"Fear of falling."

If only Singer has shown this lightness of touch and sense of fun and adventure in Superman Returns.  The delayed Jack (now a Slayer rather an a more kid-unfriendly Killer) is far more enjoyable than most American reviews suggested.  The story has some nice spins on the original tales, and there is a real sense of adventure and epic fantasy (assisted hugely by well-used 3D).  The story romps along, with a well-structured screenplay and slick direction, with the serious approach to the material accompanied by some gently dark humour and a knowing script.  Largely populated by a stalwart British cast, Nicholas Hoult makes for a credible and engaging lead, and Ewan McGregor plays the stiff-upper-lip 'guardian' with relish.  The Giants are wonderful creations, another step closer to photorealism, especially in close-ups, but still not quite real enough to convince fully.  The highlight is the final battle - when the Giants come down to Earth - which throws everything into the mix in a lengthy, breathless and hugely entertaining sequence.  Jack The Giant Slayer is probably as close as big-budget blockbuster Hollywood will get to realising successfully a classic fairy tale (or legend, as the film would have it) on screen in the 21st Century.

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