Sunday 17 March 2013

FILM: The Paperboy (dir: Lee Daniels, 2013)

"This is a f**king circus."

This over-cooked sweaty Southern 60s-set melodrama tackles a lot of big themes in its period context, but also manages to weave a preposterously interesting tale of murder and sexual intrigue at the same time.  Director Daniels elicits terrific performances from the cast - Norton, McConaughey and particularly Kidman are all remarkable, and even Zac Efron does some effective work in what initially seems a superficial decorative role, but the fluid, grainy quasi-documentary style that worked for the director's Precious here fails to deliver quite the same emotional impact as that film, although one shock moment towards the end did draw a communal gasp from the entire cinema audience. The story may not always convince, but The Paperboy is never less than interesting, if only to see the stars handling some very unusual scenarios.

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