Friday 1 March 2024

VOD: Children Of The Corn (2023) (dir: Kurt Wimmer, 2023)

"Gotta feed the corn somehow!"

Another pointless reboot - this one evidently filmed during lockdown - finds a twelve-year-old girl, Eden, seemingly possessed by the spirit of the cornfields, and she enlists the other children to kill the adults in a small failing farming community.  A rather bland first act gives way to a surprisingly nasty tone (and some good practical horror effects and some weaker CGI ones) as the young children take over the town, gather the adults on the pretext of a trial and duly despatch them en masse, an then turn on the remaining older teenagers.  The basic premise is the same as before, but giving the story a context of poverty-stricken farmers who have to make choice about their crops adds value, but the overall narrative feels rather thin and underdeveloped, with a couple of puzzling narrative leaps evident.  The film is just about sustained by the well-cast Kate Moyer as Eden with her effectively casual disdain, but Elena Kampouris as the lead older teenage protagonist can be rather too earnest.  It is not the worst Children Of The Corn film by any means, but both its strengths and failings are very apparent.  

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