Friday 17 February 2023

VOD: Jung_E (dir: Sang-ho Yeon, 2023)

"The results look odd today."

In this Korean sci-fi actioner, a tech-laden near-future sees Earth wrecked by climate disaster and warring factions, mankind moves to orbiting space stations for survival and one company is developing an android uber-soldier programmed with the brain patterns of a legendary female mercenary, who was the mother of the scientist in charge.  Genre classics, notably The Terminator and Robocop, inevitably weigh heavily on this future tech-noir, propelled by current customary Asian blockbuster hugely-ambitious and expansive GC-effects work.  This is a positive female-driven example of the genre, if a little overblown - female cancer-stricken AI scientist working with her mother's brain patterns for the perfect AI cyber-soldier - and whilst the middle section gets bogged down with less interesting talky company politics and minor personal dramas, the film picks up when daughter finally has an emotional chat with her AI 'mother'.  It all leads to a somewhat deranged throw-everything-at-it final showdown, but overall - oddly - Jung-E feels like a small-scale emotional drama wrapped up in big bombastic blockbuster trappings.

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