Sunday, 24 May 2020

VOD: The Aeronauts (dir: Tom Harper, 2019)

"Doubt is there to be listened to."

The Aeronauts, with its historical story of balloonists trying to go higher than ever before, was clearly made for the big screen and, in spite of a couple of effective moments of peril in the second half, loses a lot in home viewing.  The visuals and effects are generally impressive, and elements of nature at its most beautiful - clouds, stars, snowflakes, butterflies - are all wonderfully created.  Harper's TV-directing experience feels evident in the two-people-stuck-in-a-basket sequences, and the script is a gift for viewers who like to play the 'guess the next line of dialogue' game.  Felicity Jones has some good moments as the showgirl-balloonist but is uneven, contrasting with Eddie Redmayne being Eddie Redmayne as the dedicated meteorologist.  Overall, this is ideal fodder for the older Sunday-matinee brigade, all very genteel and nicely made with not enough that gets the pulses racing.

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