Saturday, 1 December 2018

FILM: Creed II (dir: Stephen Caple Jr, 2018)

"You can't say Creed without Drago, right?"

From the moment the Drago name appeared in the trailer, anticipation for this titanic clash was set high, and to a large extent this sequel does not disappoint.  If Creed was Rocky and Rocky II, the follow-up is essentially Rocky III and IV with the 80s commercial gloss stripped back. As has been common with Hollywood sequels over the last couple of years, father/son relationships and generations are the key issues here.  The film relies heavily on the franchise's mythology and iconography, which are used extremely well, but it does sometimes feel as if the fanboy-pleasing moments are rather calculated, which nevertheless does not stop them from being mightily effective.  Thankfully, Michael B. Jordan again carries the film successfully, proving himself to be a charismatic and sincere screen actor, Stallone impresses in his older/wiser character acting phase of his career, and whilst Dolph Lundgren's return as Drago (mentoring his formidable boxer son) gives him little to do but creates some strong franchise moments.  Indeed, young Drago's sheer physical presence makes every round fighting against Creed quite terrifying and thus absorbing to watch.  Missing director Coogler, Creed II may lack the freshness and inventiveness of its predecessor, and it feels mighty long for a film with such simplistic narrative beats and overall structure, but it is a good follow-up that engages dramatically and brings young Creed's story to a satisfying creative and character conclusion which really does not need to be taken further.

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