Saturday 28 January 2017

FILM: T2 Trainspotting (dir: Danny Boyle, 2017)

"Nostalgia - that's why you're here."

Even an average Danny Boyle film is a cut above most others, and T2 is, thankfully, very good Boyle.  The 'twenty years later' angle is vital here, as the sheer abandon and youthful vitality of the original movie here gives way to something that can be just as kinetic and violent but is also more contemplative about the passage of time and relationships, as the film has a beautiful vein of melancholy, pain and regret running through it.  Just as the four main characters have aged (but not all have necessarily developed), the four actors have each grown as immensely powerful performers who convey these people with sincerity and credibility, exemplified by McGregor's Choose Life speech in T2 which is less rage but brilliantly played as more poignant despair.  The Greatest Hits of the original are tactfully deployed to support the main themes, and whilst it could be argued that this is a fairly comfortable sequel that does not take too many risks to alienate the fans of the undeniably significant original, the shift in tone is wonderfully handled in a film that is strongly played and directed.

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