Monday, 21 March 2016

FILM: 10 Cloverfield Lane (dir: Dan Trachtenberg, 2016)

"Are you being funny?"

The pre-title sequence of this unexpected side-quel is a masterful construction of images, pace and sound that engages straight away.  After a short period of wrong-footing - is this CloverfieldHostel Misery? - the movie very quickly settles down into a well-written but standard people-in-a-bunker-with-an-apocalypse-outside genre entry.  Thus the film's success stands or falls on the cast, and with John Goodman (always seemingly just one step away from full-on crazy) and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (another nuanced performance) in full flight there is little to worry about on the acting front.  Eventually, the actual Cloverfield link staggers in for a quite mad finale, which makes one wonder if this were an existing project retro-fitted for marketing purposes.  Nevertheless, 10 Cloverfield Lane is a solidly-made and well-performed movie overall.

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