Thursday, 6 August 2015

FILM: Fantastic 4 (dir: Josh Trank, 2015)

"They actually wear labcoats here."

The big issue with Trank's FF reboot is that of expectations. Fox apparently were hoping for an Avengers-style romp but instead got the director's 'grounded' take on the material, which it many ways makes it one of the most grown-up superhero movies of recent times.  It completely flips the structure of the 2005 film, which quickly dispensed with the set-up to deliver a comic-strip tights-and-flights caper, whereas this 2015 version is entirely a careful, sincere but occasionally plodding origins story, at times a bit too restrained in its 'scientists cracking inter-dimensional travel' scenario.  Apart from the well-staged finale, there is surprisingly little excitement generated, but in its place there is a lot of well-played character work by the central quartet (Teller and Jordan are great, Mara good but a bit one-note, and Bell is criminally under-used after a promising start) and also Toby Kebbell as Doom (ignore the early internet nonsense about the character, by the way).  Trank's direction is assured, the character work kept the audience interested throughout, but Beltrami's standard superhero score feels an odd fit at times.  This is a brave and thoughtful film that goes against expectations - which may be its box-office undoing - but it certainly paves the way for a potentially interesting sequel, as it would be good to see this talented young cast really let loose in this particular style and tone.  Now: just where did Doom get that cape from in the other-dimension world?

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