Saturday 11 October 2014

FILM: '71 (dir: Yann Demange, 2014)

"You're just a piece of meat to them.  Piece of meat."

This is clearly Jack O'Connell's year as here he gives a second excellent lead performance following Starred Up.   As befitting the subject matter (the early 70s troubles in Northern Ireland), this a brutal and unflinching film that is very challenging to watch.  The constant sense of menace is palpable, created by a raft of top-notch performances, some harrowing moments that are powerful, unexpected and shocking, and on-the-fly and immediate camerawork that is presented in uncomfortably drab underlit 70s documentary style.  The balance between the personal and emotional dramas and the political positionings of both the British and Irish elements are played out with reasonable intelligence to service the thriller plot, the film is paced perfectly, and the emotional heft of O'Connell's young soldier abandoned in 'enemy' territory makes '71 utterly compelling and affecting.

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