Sunday 1 June 2014

FILM: Tarzan (dir: Reinhard Klooss, 2014)

"It's a jungle, not a pick-up bar!"

The most remarkable thing about this latest animated take on the Tarzan story is very quickly realising that this would have been a worthy tale for a contemporary live-action version.  It is unashamedly Young Adult in the positioning of its two leads, but it is also surprisingly sombre and bombastic, with some strong emotional beats for a PG film.  The photorealistic backgrounds and creature work are very good indeed, and only occasionally the stylised human faces undermine the otherwise terrific mo-cap animation of movement.  Whilst at times the on-screen action owes more to Avatar, Jurassic Park and The Blue Lagoon than Burroughs, this is a daft but refreshingly interesting updating of a very well-worn and limited concept.

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