Sunday, 23 March 2014

FILM: Muppets Most Wanted (dir: James Bobin, 2014)

"Bad frog!  Bad frog!"

The 2011 reboot produced a wonderful mix of nostalgia and self-awareness, which this follow-up manages to a fair degree but does not quite hit the same heights of inspired lunacy.  Muppets Most Wanted is nevertheless an extremely well-crafted and surprisingly cinematic children's film, and is at its heart a fairly traditional Muppet movie caper.  The Europe-trotting tour-and-heists narrative set-up means that the film stays on the move and packs in a good number of visual gags, smile-inducing cameos and more decent songs by Bret McKenzie.  The pairing of Ty Burrell and Sam The Eagle as two culture-clash detectives is inspired, Tina Fay works hard as the Gulag head, and Ricky Gervais feels well cast here.  It is hard to resist a film that includes a brilliant collision of The Swedish Chef and iconic Bergman!

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