Saturday, 25 January 2014

FILM: Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit IMAX (dir: Kenneth Branagh, 2014)

"Keep your faith in me."

The latest Jack Ryan reboot places the hero firmly in the modern world with a snappy and jingoistic trot through 9/11 and Afghanistan before reverting to what is essentially a rather old-fashioned spy thriller potboiler with a somewhat slim but scarily credible (banking-based) East vs. West plot, yet with quite a lot going for it.  Branagh's direction is crisp, but there is little to set the pulse racing in the first two acts, all saved for a frenetic pedal-to-the-metal third act.  Chris Pine, always an likable screen presence, is particularly sincere here; Branagh (as the throwback Russian antagonist) and Costner as Ryan's recruiter both bring effective experience and gravitas; and Keira Knightley is maturing into a pleasing and (at last) watchable actress with an impressive performance as Ryan's fiance.  IMAX adds little apart from showing off the well-shot Moscow cityscapes.  Clearly picking up tips from the modern Bonds and Bourne films - but not hitting the heights of either - Jack Ryan Shadow Hunter is certainly one of the better films in this series and provides a solid and reasonably entertaining basis for another outing.

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