Friday 20 December 2013

FILM: The Harry Hill Movie (dir: Steve Bendelack, 2013)

"To be honest, I fell asleep just after you did.  It's a miracle we're still alive."

If The Goodies TV show back in the 1970s had been turned into a movie, it would have probably looked much like The Harry Hill Movie...but with laughs.  Quite simply, this is a baffling film to watch, less surreal than just peculiar.  Both star and director are clearly much better suited to the television (i.e. shorter-form) format, as the whole Harry Hill concept and brand of humour simply are too quirky and small-scale to translate effectively to the big screen, which is a shame.  Hill comes across as naïve and likable, Julie Walters replays her usual old-lady schtick, and Abu the puppet hamster (voiced well by Johnny Vegas) is surprisingly engaging, but apart from a couple of inspired moments - The Magic Numbers running a B&B, walking brains replaying the raptors-in-the-kitchen sequence from Jurassic Park - there is little to hold the interest even for its mercifully-short running time.

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