Sunday 13 January 2013

DVD: Grabbers (dir: Jon Wright, 2012)

"It's the quiet places where all the mad s**t happens."

Basically Tremors meets The Guard, Grabbers is one of those delightful low-budget productions that is made with love (as the DVD extras clearly demonstrate), far exceeds it reach and is great fun to watch.  The low-end CG are exemplary, the script takes itself seriously and thus provides some wonderful laugh-out-loud incongruous moments, and in terms of direction Jon Wright gives the film an interesting look and cohesion that is a step forward from Tormented.  The remote Irish setting is used to beautiful effect, and the locals always feel one step away from Father Ted territory but never stray over that line of daftness.  Richard Coyle and Ruth Bradley are both terrific as the mis-matched Garda officers, and Russell Tovey clearly has a ball in the scientist role.  It is little more than a standard monster-on-the-loose movie, and it bears its genre nods openly, but Grabbers is extremely entertaining.

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