Sunday 2 December 2012

FILM: Rise Of The Guardians 3D (dir: Peter Ramsey, 2012)

"I hope you like carrots."

Rise Of The Guardians is not turning out to be the holiday season blockbuster that Dreamworks hoped for, and the film itself is pleasant enough but not without problems.  There are many delightful ideas on offer - both conceptual and visual - but the inconsistencies in haphazard tone and plotting make it difficult to engage with the film fully.  (Indeed, if you want to go plothole-ing, this film is a gift).  The main voice cast is good, although Chris Pine sounds a little too old for Jack Frost as presented on screen, and Jude Law makes for a slightly soft villain.  The elves seemed to be set up in the trailer as this film's equivalent of Despicable Me's wonderful minions, yet they have very little to do across the running time.  Overall, Rise Of The Guardians is passable but uneven entertainment.

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