Saturday 30 June 2012

FILM: Storage 24 (dir: Johannes Roberts, 2012)

"I just wanna go home."

Noel Clarke (writer/producer/star of Storage 24) said this movie was born out of his frustration that the UK film industry never makes a 'monster on the rampage' film, and so this reasonable stab at the genre makes it into cinemas.  The film uses its meagre budget well: gore effects are sparing but effective, the hints of the bigger picture affecting the world outside the storage facility are well-handled, and even the creature (when revealed) has an endearingly but pleasingly lo-fi quality.  Aside from the excellent Clarke, who can seemingly wring a strong performance out of anything, the cast is vapid, and the frequently banal dialogue is not helped by somewhat dull performances.  Tension and shocks are occasionally generated effectively, although a loud sting every time the lights fail (frequently) becomes tiresome, and the synth-led score sometimes sounds like an audience member's mobile has gone off.  Storage 24 is not a particularly strong film, and it could do with more energy and some serious script editing, but it is well-intentioned, clearly versed in the genre and tries hard to match its American counterparts, making it a little better than standard straight-to-DVD fare.

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