Saturday 26 May 2012

FILM Men In Black 3 in 3D

"Make love, not war!"
"I prefer to do both."

Sufficient time has passed to (almost) leave MIB2 behind in the dumpster of misguided sequels, but if script is king for movies, this belated third entry is sorely lacking in that crucial department.  For the most part, MIB3 is dour and increasingly tedious, clearly lacking the sense of exuberance and downright fun that made the original film so enjoyable and successful.  Apart from those shortcomings, as a blockbuster there is nothing disastrous about it - Smith is fine in the return to what he does best, the addition of Josh Brolin's wonderful performance as the younger Agent K is a bonus, and even the time-travel element of the troubled third act is resolved acceptably and in a way that gives the agents a sweet and unexpected backstory - but there is little here that is either engaging or truly memorable, which is very disappointing.

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