Friday 29 October 2010

FILM: Saw 3D (dir: Kevin Greutert, 2010)

"We've met."

After the disappointing IV and V, the return to form by last year's Saw VI was most welcome, and with this year's (evidently final) entry and contractually-obliged returning director Greutert, Saw 3D shows a reasonable injection of energy, pace and some creativity. The traps are mostly well-constructed (the opening gag in a public booth seen in the trailer is terrific), performances are ramped up to the max, and although the set-up for this film's bunch of victims lacks the political resonance of the previous instalment, it does provide a valid reason for their (wafer-thin) presence and for Tobin Bell's flashback appearance. The 3D - apart from a couple of ill-judged moments of CG offal thrown at the audience - is pin-sharp and used purposefully and effectively, and sound design is excruciatingly superb. Thankfully, the story continues the face -off between Jigsaw's widow Jill and berserk detective Hoffman, but this is only one part of the well-crafted story, which employs the series' usual narrative retro-fitting to good use, and the return of the original film's victim Cary Elwes (with considerably less screen time than the promotion suggests) leads to a neat if rather inevitable conclusion to the entire series.

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