Sunday 18 July 2010

FILM: Twilight - Eclipse (dir: David Slade, 2010)

"I'm tired of all this! From now on, I'm Switzerland, OK?"

Eclipse is a big leap forward for the Twilight franchise. David Slade gets much more watchable performances from all of the core cast this time round, Bryce Dallas Howard makes a suitably demented replacement Victoria, and Xavier Samuel has effective presence as the leader of the newborn vampire army. The uneasy alliance between the Cullens and the werewolves provides interest, and the final showdowns work well on screen. There is less silly dialogue than in the previous two films, but the love triangle scenes still strike as bland (and occasionally over-written) rather than genuinely heartfelt. The film still falls short of the epic quality that it seems to strive for (an undead army built up over a year of about... twenty?), and the romance scenes continue to look and feel like a TV-movie. The thriller elements of this episode work nicely, and overall Eclipse feels like a much more mature piece in almost every respect. One mystery remains, however: why on earth do Edward and Jacob both get so worked up over Bella, undoubtedly one of the dullest female characters ever created?

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