Wednesday 1 May 2024

VOD: The Greatest Hits (dir: Ned Benson, 2024)

"What in the name of Luther Vandross just happened?"

On paper, The Greatest Hits sounds like a Richard Curtis-styled romantic drama in which a grieving young woman, Harriet, finds that certain songs can quite literally take her back in time, using her gift to try to find the precise song that can help her to prevent the death of her boyfriend in this surprisingly sweet and appealing movie.  All five key players here give strong and very likeable performances, and the indie styling and exploration of grief undercut the idyllic past romance and the fragile new budding one nicely. The film is more sombre and reflective than many of its genre with its excellent plaintive melancholic score and carefully-placed flashback sequences, and whilst it feels like the film strains a little too hard at times to be cool and laid-back, it boasts good storytelling, engaging performances and gently respectful feel for its subject matter.


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