Saturday 18 May 2024

VOD: Drifter (dir: Hannes Hirsch, 2024)

"We all have our abysses."

In this German indie drama, mild-mannered 22-year-old Moritz goes to Berlin to be with his boyfriend, but before long they break up, and the film shows slices from his life - from the mundane details of everyday life to a couple of enthusiastic hook-ups - as he explores the drug-fuelled Berlin scene, new relationships and his identity.  This is a straightforward tale of a young man searching for his identity and for excitement in the big city, told in a simple, unfussy manner.  As a movie experience it does not amount to much - he shaves his head, gets tattoos and does drugs - but as a reflection on the experiences of youth it does convey some of the hedonism, listlessness and ultimately loneliness and insecurity effectively enough. 

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