Saturday 18 May 2024

VOD: Cold Meat (dir: Sebastien Drouin, 2024)

"In the right circumstances we can all be cruel."

A week before Christmas in a very cold and snowy Colorado and with an approaching storm, Downton's Allen Leech dons an American accent, saves a waitress from her brutal partner at a diner, and gets stuck in the middle of nowhere when his car goes off the road.  With a strong surprise twist early on and an unfortunate accident, for most of the running time this is very much a bottle show based inside the stricken car, but with effective thriller direction and a nicely-controlled performance by Leech in particular, it makes the most of its limited scenario.  There is also an odd plot thread about a local forest spirit alluded to early on that pops up occasionally but relevantly.  Overall, Cold Meat makes for a low-key but atmospheric piece that does maintain interest to find out what will be the (somewhat abrupt) resolution.

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