Friday 5 April 2024

VOD: The Wages Of Fear a.k.a. Le Salaire De La Peur (dir: Julian Leclercq, 2024)

"Stay calm!"

This new French staging of the classic thriller retains some of the basic premise, as a disparate group of mercenaries is commissioned to transport volatile nitro-glycerine across hostile desert terrain in order to put out a well fire and save a village, fully updated and executed for today's audience sensibilities.  It is quite well shot on location, but it is very much a case of style over substance, with an unnecessarily overlong prologue, barely-sketched and dull characters, a surprisingly uninteresting music score and a lack of pace, all of which tend to flatten the proceedings somewhat.  Even the order of fatalities is not difficult to predict, and overall the lack of real jeopardy is noticeable as it plods to the finish line.

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