Wednesday 24 April 2024

FILM: Civil War (dir: Alex Garland, 2024)

"That's the job."

A24's biggest film so far is well worth the resources on display, yet it is still clearly not a big Hollywood studio film.  Four photojournalists of varying age and experience go on a road trip through a near-future civil-war-torn America to try to get to the failing President in Washington for a final interview.  The film ably displays Garland's intelligence and craft, both in terms of ideas and execution on screen, and it is a perplexing experience for the viewer, who has to deal with big ideas and very personal situations as well as the strongly immediate and visceral experience presented.  Transplanting the kind of imagery associated with current Middle east news reports to the American homeland is a bold move that is pulled off very well indeed.  This is possibly Kirsten Dunst's career-best performance which is outstanding, with excellent support from Wagner Moura as her sidekick and Jesse Plemons almost stealing the film with a single terrifying scene.  This film is a tough and rewarding watch, which offers more than just its central metaphor - a camera is a gun - right through to its audacious, haunting and powerful finale.  Civil War delivers on every level.

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