Friday 5 April 2024

VOD: Thanksgiving (dir: Eli Roth, 2023)

"No-one appreciates subtlety any more."

Eli Roth's output has been of very variable quality, but Thanksgiving - belatedly expanded for the trailer made for the Grindhouse project - is one of his better efforts simply by being nothing more than an adequately-executed generic old-school holiday slasher.  Starting off with a singularly out-of-control Black Friday stampede, the film moves one year later when key players in the superstore massacre start getting picked off by a masked killer, who is also live-streaming a macabre Thanksgiving dinner party.  With its insipidly-anonymous old-looking 'teenage' leads, swift and efficient kills, Patrick Dempsey as the name player doing his best to keep his dignity and a very obvious killer, Thanksgiving sits comfortably alongside its 80s/90s predecessors (with added social media and mobiles of course), with reasonable production values and a couple of nicely-done set-ups for horror fans but little more.

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