Thursday 20 June 2024

VOD: I Used To Be Famous (dir: Eddie Sternberg, 2022)

"I'm not busking, I'm practising!"
"Bit depressing though, innit?

In this simple, sincere, low-key and small-scale British feel-good drama, Vinnie (Ed Skrein) is a former member of a successful boyband who - twenty years after their heyday - finds himself in London's Peckham on hard times with no-one interested in his music.  After an autistic teen drummer Stevie (Leo Long) joins in with an impromptu performance down at the market that goes viral, Vinnie sees an opportunity to kickstart his career as the unlikely pair's friendship develops, but he has to get past the boy's protective mother and reality kicking in as their first pub gig goes unpleasantly wrong.  This is a slow-moving and gentle film, with Ed Skrein proving to be a surprisingly sensitive match to the material, Leo Long is sympathetic and engaging as the teen, and Vinnie's retro-synthpop is convincingly introspectively naff, seemingly able to fill a gig slot with eight bars' worth of material!  It may be somewhat slight and sentimental but it is heartfelt, right through its predictably sweet punch-the-air ending.


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