Saturday 13 April 2013

FILM: G.I. Joe Retaliation 3D (dir: Jon M Chu, 2013)

"Don't worry.  You're gonna forget everything, so your conscience will be clear."

G.I. Joe - The Rise Of Cobra was a slice of daft, cheesy fun.  The current trend for 'going darker' disappointingly sees this sequel become a rather soulless and unengaging action-fest.  The battle scenes are efficient, and the 3D conversion is extremely good, but both dialogue and narrative clunk along and Retaliation sorely misses the Tatum/Wayans buddy act from the first film.  Jonathan Pryce is clearly enjoying himself, The Rock does what The Rock does, Willis seems shoehorned in and overall the team lacks the spirit of the original film.  The film perks up when the world's entire nuclear arsenal is unleashed in a curiously non-satirical Dr. Strangelove-style summit, and the money-shot - here, the destruction of London - packs a brief punch.  Overall the film is perhaps so resolutely generic that it lacks its own identity and makes it hard to see who might really enjoy it.

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